Competition brake fluid DOT4 (312 ° C) – Miscible with other DOT4

12,50  HT

UGS : MP5501 Catégorie :


Use :
For all hydraulic brake and clutch control systems where a synthetic fluid
without silicone is recommended
Specially designed to withstand very high temperatures of hydraulic brake controls.
(steel or carbon) and clutch.
Exceeds DOT 3 and DOT 5.1, except for the viscosity at -40 ° C.
STANDARDS: FMVSS 116 DOT4 / SAEJ 1703 / IS04925
Extremely high thermal resistance and stability:
The very high boiling point (593 ° F / 312 ° C for MP5501 and 610 ° F / 320 ° C for MP5501A660)
superior to conventional fluids DOT 5.1 DOT 5
(260 ° C min) and DOT 4 (230 ° C min.) Allows the braking efficiency to be maintained even when the brakes are
extremely soll.
Efficiency in rainy weather:
The very high wet boiling point (420 ° F / 216 ° C)
conventional fluids DOT 5.1 non-silicone base (180 ° C mini) and DOT 4 (155 ° C mini)
the effectiveness of braking in rainy weather. Indeed, the brake fluids DOT 3
D0T 4 and DOT 5.1 have the property of absorbing moisture from the air, which decreases the boiling point and
increases the risk of the phenomenon vapor lock.
The wet boiling point is measured after moistening the product with about 3.5% water.
Usage tips
Avoid mixing with brake fluids based on lower performance polyglycols.
Do not mix with mineral base liquids (LHM) and siIone (DOT 5 silicone base).
Aggressive chemical with respect to hands, paints and varnishes.
In case of contact with skin, rinse thoroughly.